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Хелп! say where you like to spend your summer holidays.why? 7 предложений(желательно с переводом)

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Usually, i spend my summer holidays in village where lives my grandmother. i love my grandmother, and in the summer she makes me tasty patties with potatoes. i love it. i help her clean up, wash up, milk a cow. cows name is marta. what is more my grandmother have dog. his name is sharik. he like play with me. than i come home. and i miss them. обычно, я провожу свои летние каникулы в деревне, где живет моя бабушка. я люблю свою бабушку, летом он делает мне вкусные пирожки с картошкой. я люблю их. я ей мыть посуду, стирать и доить корову. корову зовут марта. более того, у моей бабушки есть пес. его зовут шарик.он любит играть со мной. потом я уезжаю домой. и скучаю мо ним.

1do you have to work  2 what must he do? 3 you musn't keep 4where will we have to wait 5 must i sign 6 didn't she have to worry 7 will i have to call 8 he must take 9 were we to meet  10 need i call 11 when is the train to arrive? 12 he doesn't have to take 13 when is the lecture to start? 14 does he have to take 15 i can't believe 16 could 17 couldn't 18 can

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