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Перевести текст my dog duke . he is the biggest dog in my street and every time the postman or someone passes by he barks his head off and nearly gives them a heart attack. lots of people are afraid to go into my hous because he's aggressive.but he is a lovely dog when you get to know him.he loves playing with balls and with my pet duck george.

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Мой пёс дюк . он самый большой пёс на моей улице и всё время почтальон или кто-то проходит мимо , то он лает на них и у них почти наступает сердечный приступ . много людей боятся идти в мой дом, потому что он агрессивный . но он прекрасный пес, когда узнаешь его . он любит играть   с мячами и с животным дюка - уткой  джорджем


agronomist's profession


i am still in school, and it is rather difficult for me to understand what profession is a good option for me. my parents always ask me this question. i do not know what to say because i am a very skilled and multitalented person with so many different interests.  

i think that the agronomist's profession is an interesting one. i saw several tv programs about it and i can say that their job is very demanding. they must know a lot to be successful and have good crops. also, their job involves high risks due to its direct dependence on weather conditions.

i think i will keep looking for options, and maybe i will choose this profession in the future.

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