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1) insert prepositions where necessary. i study … the public administration academy. it was founded … 1995 … the basis … personnel center. the academy trains specialists … many branches … knowledge. training is based … scientific principles. the academy is famous … high standard … education, good level … work and highly qualified specialists. it is equipped … computer classes. students are trained … four specialities. they specialize … many branches. such specialities are … great demand … our country. schooling is free … charge . 2)insert prepositions where necessary . to be … great demand to be free … charge to be based … to be combined … to be famous … to be equipped … to train specialists … municipal management high standard … work to be founded … the basis …

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Ответы на вопрос:

Istudy at… the public administration academy. it was founded …in 1995 on… the basis of… personnel center. the academy trains specialists in… many branches of… knowledge. training is based on… scientific principles. the academy is famous for… high standard …of education, good level …of work and highly qualified specialists. it is equipped with… computer classes. students are trained in… four specialities. they specialize in… many branches. such specialities are in… great demand in… our country. schooling is free of… charge . 2)insert prepositions where necessary . to be in… great demand to be free of… charge to be based on… to be combined with… to be famous for… to be equipped with… to train specialists in… municipal management high standard of… work to be founded on… the basis of…

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