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Перекладіть ійською мовою. 1. позавчора моя сестра вчила вірш протягом трьох годин, але так і не вивчила. 2. скільки часу ви витратили щоб зробити всі необхідні покупки? 3. скільки років вам було, коли ви закінчили школу? 4. моя мама приготувала дуже смачний сніданок. 5. він з’їв дві тарілки супу, чи не так? мій батько - бізнесмен. 6. чий це олівець? 7. котра зараз година? 8. ми були на селі. - де ви були вчора? 9. квіти прекрасні в різні пори року. 10. весна. дуже тепло. 11. мої батьки дуже талановиті люди. 12. учора було дуже холодно, чи не так? 13. я студент, але скоро я буду гарним спеціалістом.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the day before yesterday my sister taught verse for three hours, but never learned. 2. how much time do you spend to make all necessary purchases? 3. how old were you when you left school? 4. my mother prepared a delicious breakfast. 5. he ate two plates of soup, is not it? my father, a businessman. 6. whose is this pencil? 7. what now? 8. we were in the countryside. where were you yesterday? 9. beautiful flowers in different seasons. 10. spring. very warm. 11. my parents are very talented people. 12. yesterday was very cold, is not it? 13. i am a student, but soon i will be a good specialist.

1. our radio can't be heard outside the room. 2. cars mustn't be parked there. 3. this bottle of medicine must be shaken. 4. he was elected president. 5. tom was made captain of the team. 6. mr. brown has been appointed manager of the accounts branch. 7. mary's radio isn't being mended. 1. the man reading (participle i) a book is my father. 2. while translating (participle i) the text, he wrote out new words. 3. a fallen (participle ii) tree is still lying (participle i) on the road. 4. being (participle i) ill he had to stay at home. 5. the pupil being asked (participle i) by the teacher is pavlov. 6. having discussed (participle i) the contract the manager signed it.  

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