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Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense and voice forms: a. 1. the new theatre (to open) last month. 2. three people (to kill) in the car accident. 3. a cure for cancer (not to find) yet. 4. the article (to translate) into russian now, it (to publish) as soon as they (to return) it. 5. our office (to decorate) for the celebration and looks cheerful. 6. when the plane (to take off), the passengers (to show) how to use lifejackets. 7. if you (to offer) a cheap camera, don’t buy it, it (not to work). 8. i (to ask) a lot of questions about my education background when i (to hire). 9. you (to offer) a new job. 10. ann (to attack) last night when she (to walk) home alone. 11. school (to close) for a few days because of the storm. 12. andrew (to arrest) a few days ago. 13. british coins (to make) in the royal mint. 14. new year’s day (to celebrate) on january, 1. 15. under safety regulations women (not to allow) to work underground. 16. the movie (to show) four times in the cinema. 17. the hikers (to force) to turn back by bad weather. 18. the letter (to write) by a lefthander. i (to understand) it after i (to read) it several times. 19. when i (to enter) the classroom, my friend (to examine

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the new theatre (was opened) last month. 2. three people have been killed in the car accident. 3. a cure for cancer has not been found) yet. 4. the article (is being translated) into russian now, it (will be published) as soon as they (return) it. 5. our office (has been decorated) for the celebration and looks cheerful. 6. when the plane (takes off), the passengers (are shown) how to use lifejackets. 7. if you (are offered) a cheap camera, don’t buy it, it (will not  work). 8. i (was asked) a lot of questions about my education background when i (was hired). 9. you (are offered) a new job. 10. ann (ws attacked) last night when she (was walking) home alone. 11. school (is closed) for a few days because of the storm. 12. andrew (was arrested) a few days ago. 13. british coins (tare made) in the royal mint. 14. new year’s day is celebrated) on january, 1. 15. under safety regulations women (are not allowed) to work underground. 16. the movie (has been shown) four times in the cinema. 17. the hikers (were forced) to turn back by bad weather. 18. the letter (was written) by a lefthander. i (understood) it after i (had read) it several times. 19. when i (entered) the classroom, my friend (was being examined. 

Once in fourth grade we had a tour where we visited a few dozen cities. we traveled all over russia and stopping in every city watching the sights. i really liked when we arrived in moscow and went to the forest, it was very nice and had fresh air. (перевод) как-то раз в четвертом классе у нас была экскурсия, где мы посетили несколько десятков городов. мы ездили по всей россии, и заезжая в каждый город смотрели достопримечательности. мне понравилось когда мы приехали в москву и отправились в лес, там было красиво, и был свежий воздух.

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