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computer is a very useful device that helps us in working with information and creating texts, pictures, diagramms and other documents. computer can also be called the best way of intertaining because we can play different games on it, through the internet access we easily communicate with other people. computer can also be used as a teaching tool: for example, i usually prepare my homework using computer . our modern life and my life in particular is unthinckable without these  clever machines!

1. why can't you give the book back? i have  not finished reading it  yet. 2. why can't you  repeat the question? i have  not heard the question3.  are they leaving? yes, they are. they have not  changed their  plans. 4. what's the matter with you? i think i have  catched cold.5. why is it so quiet in the house? everybody has left.6. where will you go  in summer? i have  not decided yet.7. how  long has this film been on? the film has been on  for about a  week.8. have you ever been late for classes? i have  never been late for classes.9. how are they? i don't know i have  not seen them lately. 10. where is yesterday's newspaper? i have  just thrown it out. 11. how long have you  lived in moscow? i have lived in moscow  since i  was    born.12. how much time has passed since he left? a  fortnight has passed  since he left. 13. how many times have  you been to leningrad? i have never been  to leningrad.

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