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Перевод текста do you know that birds are found in almost every part of the globe. such as ostriches and penguins, cannot fly. instead, the ostrich can run very fast and the penguin uses its wings as flippers for swimming. all birds lay eggs with hard, waterproof shells. birds are the only animals that have feathers. a very small bird, such as a hummingbird, may have about 900 feathers, while a large bird likea swan may have over 25 000. birds have excellent eyesight, often better than human sight. they have an extra eyelid to protect their eyes from dust and rain while flying. most birds have a poor sense of smell, but excellent hearing. some birds spend summer in one part of the world and winter in another to take advantage of seasonal food suplies. swallows, for example, rear their families in northern europe and north america in summer , when insects are plentiful, but fly south in autumn as the insects disappear. such journeys are called migration. заранее !

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Птицы находятся   почти в любой точке земного шара. такие как страусы и пингвины, не могут летать. вместо этого страус может быстро бегать, а пингвин использует свои крылья, как ласты для плавания. все птицы откладывают яйца с плотными водонепроницаемыми оболочками. птицы - единственные животные, у которых есть перья.  маленькая птичка, как колибри, может иметь около 900 перьев, в то время как большая птица лебедь может иметь больше 25000 перьев. у птиц хорошее зрение, чаще лучше, чем у человека. они имеют дополнительное веко, чтобы защитить свои глаза от пыли и дождя во врем полета. большинство птиц имеет плохое обоняние, но отличный слух. некоторые птицы проводят лето в одной части мира и зимой в другой, чтобы воспользоваться сезонным питанием.  ласточки, например, поселяют их семей в северной европе и северной америке в летнее время, когда насекомые в изобилии, но улетают на юг осенью, как насекомые исчезают. такие полеты называются миграция. 

Nobody doubts these days that progress in the world depends on progress in education, higher education in particular. english universities usually consist of colleges. the academic year is divided into three terms.the structure of courses does not differ from russian courses in size of groups. methods of assessment differ from university to university. conditions of student life in britain differ from those in russia. english students receive a grant from the state for the expenses of daily living. the level of the grant depends on the income of the'student and of the student's parents. students can take out a special student loan which they do not have to repay until they are earning. loans are not means-tested. in the opinion of the english there is one more obvious difference be­tween british and russian students, however.there is a widespread opinion that conditions may be different but goals of getting higher education are the same everywhere. many peo­ple admit that for the majority of young people today success in life is measured in terms of the money young people earn.   they want to obtain prestigious diplomas to get higher wages and advancement.

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