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Write in the missing preposition. she's in charge sales. would you be interested working for us? ave ten employees me in my department. they report me. i'd like to start telling you about the company. this brings me my next point. i'm responsible maintenance. we schedule but we've managed to catch up. the project came under budget. this protest could result bad publicity. the strike was caused a sacked worker. order to survive, we have to compete.

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Ответы на вопрос:

She's in charge sales. would you be interested __in_ working for us? ave ten employees me in my department. they report __to__ me. i'd like to start telling you about the company. this brings me my next point. i'm responsible __for__ maintenance. we were behind schedule but we've managed to catch up. the project came off under budget. this protest could result _in__ bad publicity. the strike was caused a sacked worker. __in_ order to survive, we have to compete. 

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