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Нужно проверить написанное мною сочинение на языке, плохо с hello. my name is anastasia. i am a student of class 11. i want to tell you about his girlfriend. her name is alexandra and her 18 years. she is my best friend for 6 years. i love her so much and never betray. i don't remember how we met; it was a long time ago. alex is an example for me, because she is kind, honest and always comes to the rescue. rarely seen such people. i have it remarkable. she has long red hair and big green eyes. it has one quality, which i like. she's a complete physique, but alex is not because of this inferiority complex, which could be the envy of many girls her age. she is medium height with a round face. alex is a very strong personality, and is able to make decisions in difficult times. she learns from employee mail and passes in the post office. in her spare time she spends with his friends, which she very much. i always admire her and support her. no matter what happens we will always remain best friends, because i trust her in any situation. меня зовут анастасия. я ученица 11 класса. я хочу рассказать вам о своей подруге. ее зовут александра и ей 18 лет. она является моей лучшей подругой уже 6 лет. я ее люблю и никогда не . я не помню, как мы встретились, это было давно. саша является примером для меня, потому что она добрая, честная и всегда придет на . редко встретишь таких людей. она у меня замечательная. у нее длинные рыжие волосы и большие зеленые глаза. у нее есть одно качество, которое мне нравится. она полного телосложения, но саша не комплексует из-за этого, чему могли бы позавидовать многие девушки ее возраста. она среднего роста с очаровательным круглым лицом. алекс сильная личность, и умеет принимать решения в трудный момент. она учится на работника почты и проходит практику в почтовом отделении. в свободное время она проводит с друзьями, которых у нее много. я всегда восхищаюсь александрой и поддерживаю ее. чтобы ни случилось, мы всегда будем оставаться лучшими подругами, так как я ей доверяю в любой ситуации.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2 предложение лутше сказать i'm 11 grade student.

3 пред.about my best friend.

5.she has been my best friebd for

6.i have never betraнув рук becouse i really love her.

8.перед always напиши  i

9.such people ere very rare nowdays.

10.i'm proud of being friend such amazing person.

11.she has one

12.she is rather plump but she isn't ashamed becouse of this


14and she is abble to make decisions in difficult situations.

15.не пиши это предлажениею

16.she always spends her free time with her friends.

17/admire and support her.






























hello. my name is anastasia. i am a student of class 11. i want to tell you about his girlfriend. her name is alexandra and her 18 years old. she is my best friend for 6 years. i love her so much and i won't betray her. i don't remember how did we meet; it was a long time ago. alex is an example for me, because she is kind, honest and always ready to help. i've seen people like her rarely.

                      i think she is beautiful. she has long red hair and big green eyes. she has a quality, which i like much. she has a complete physique, but alex doesn"t worry because of this inferiority complex, which could be the envy for many girls her age. she is medium height, she has a round face. alex is a very strong personality, and she is able to make decisions in difficult occasions. she is learning for a postal worker and passes practise in the post office. she spends  her spare time with   friends, which she has a lot.

                      i always admire and support her. no matter what happens, we will always remain the best friends, because i trust her in any situation.

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Level A

Вариант № 1

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

1.Please clean … blackboard.

2. He must go to … bank and … post office.

3…. fire and water … are good servants, but … bad masters.

4…. news that you brought was … great shock.

5…. weather was fine and we decided to take .. walk. a

6…. State of Liberty was presented as … gift by … people of … France to …

people of … United States.

7. They are looking for … man with … long dark hair. He is armed and very


8. It’s … pity that you can’t come.

9. Is … Everest … highest mountain in … world?

10. One law is for … rich and another is for … poor.

Level A

Вариант № 2

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

1.Would you like to go to …. theatre with me tonight?

2. This trip costs … lot of money.

3.Could you give me … lift to the office?

4..Which is longer: … Volga or … Dnieper?

5.…. Experience is … best teacher.

6… Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, was born in … 1799.

7.…. music is the universal language of … world.

8..The acting was poor, but we enjoyed … music.

9..The Russians like … good hard winter with plenty of snow and frost.

10.Don’t worry, we’ll get home before … sunset.

Level A

Вариант № 3

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

I found … kitten in the street and brought it home, but my mother is against … poor animal.

You asked me … question but I think you should know … answer yourself.

Let’s settle all business matters before … lunch.

… Swiss Alps are a good place to go to if you like skiing.

Tourists coming to London often do the shopping in … Oxford Street.

Nothing can be more beautiful than motoring across the green fields in … early spring.

I don’t believe you. I think you’re telling … lie.

What … easy exercise!

Do you know which is … shortest day in … year?

It caused … great deal of trouble.


Level A

Вариант № 4

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

1.He wants to be … car designer.

2. What’s … time on your watch?

3.My … car is four years old and it still runs well.

4. When you go to … store, please buy … bottle of …chocolate milk and … dozen


5. The children were shivering though it was … warm night.

6. … Volga flows from … Valdai Hills to … Caspian Sea.

7.Is … Amsterdam in … United States or in … Netherlands?

8.Most people watch TV after … supper.

9. In England we drive on … left.

10. … milk is useful for … health.

Level A

Вариант № 5

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

She didn’t go to … work yesterday.

He likes to be in the … centre of everything.

Nature is so beautiful in …. spring.

It snowed at … night.

The pupil showed … Europe, … Asia, … North and .. South America,

… Africa on the map but he completely forgot about … Australia.

Something is burning! --- Oh, I’ve forgotten about … supper again!

Can I borrow your car? --Yes, sure. Here are … keys.

There are only … few seats left for … tonight’s musical at … university.

Last night there was … bird singing outside my house.

He is … experienced driver.

Level A

Вариант № 6

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

My friend knows … lot about … USA.

… Americans spell some English words differently.

… Lake Erie is one of … five great Lakes in … North America.

… Queen Elisabeth II is … monarch of … Great Britain.

There was … knock at … door and … young girl wearing … summer dress entered … room.

How much did you pay for … dinner?

What is … British Museum famous for?

… Panama Canal connects … Atlantic and … Pacific Oceans.

Do you feel … smell of … fallen leaves coming from … park?

Last night I heard the opera and enjoyed … music.

Level A

Вариант № 7

Заполните пропуски артиклями: a, an, the или --.

1.Did you find … magazine you were looking for?

2. He is going to buy … new car.

3. … largest river in … United States is … Mississippi River.

4.They offered us … food and … drink.

5.My car broke down near … bus stop. There was … man waiting for … bus, so I asked

him for … advice. He took … quick look at my car and said, ”Buy … new car”.

6. They had … tasty lunch at the café.

7. … Alaska is the biggest state in … USA.

8.You can see a beautiful collection of Modern Art in … Tretyakov Gallery.

9.In this country … spring is always wet, … summer is hot,… autumn is wet and muddy, …

winter is cold and snowy.

10.Have … look at the sky. It looks like rain.

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