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Іть скласти твір на тему "один виклик з мого життя" на аглійській або як зможете(російською або українською) тоді сам потім переведу

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1)thanks to ancient greece appeared theater. the idea of such philosophers and dramatists as sophocles, socrates, demosthenes and homer had a great influence on literature and cultural development/promotion of other civilizations. the roman form of government was an example for many other states.2) i know a little of the ancient greek legends. as far as i remember, prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to the people, and hercules is famous for its 12 feats.3) i know little about this war, but i read about "трянском" horse. the soldiers had built a wooden horse, and hid inside, and when they pulled him into the town, the soldiers jumped out and opened the gates , and with the help of the army, captured the city of troy. 

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