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Написать на короткий пересказ "the story of four seasons" an american falk tale

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spring -one of the fourseasons of the year, after thewinter andthe summer.summer -one of the fourseasons,between springand autumn,is characterized by thehigh temperatureenvironment.consists of threemonthsin the northernhemisphere -june, july andaugust,in the south -december, januaryand february.autumnis one of thefour seasons of theyear, betweensummer and winter.autumn- a transitionalseason thatsignificantlyreducedaylight hours andgradually decreasesthe temperatureof the environment.winter -one of the fourseasons of the year, betweenautumn and spring.the main feature ofthis time of year- a stablelow temperature in manyregions of the earthfalls andfallsto the surfacesnow



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