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Iam proud of my homeland. kazakhstan is a multinational state. it is ranked ninth in the world in terms of territory! kazakhstan - a large state, was built in difficult natural conditions. this steppe, semi-desert and desert.  kazakhstan gained independence some twenty years ago, after the collapse of the soviet union. but kazakhstan's national culture many centuries ago began to create kazakh nomads who carried out most of his life in the saddle. boundless steppes and semi-deserts, overgrown fescue, feather grass, sagebrush tirsikom and became their only wealth.  now our country is inhabited by people of different cultures: the kazakhs, russian, uzbeks, ukrainians, uyghurs, tatars and others. every citizen of kazakhstan know kazakh language - is the language of the kazakh nation. it is also recognized as an official language of russian as a language of international communication. people in kazakhstan live free and not crowded. there are a lot of land, and the people they represent little.перевод:   я горжусь своей родиной. это многонациональное государство казахстан. оно занимает девятое место в мире по величине территории! казахстан — большое государство, построенное в непростых природных условиях. это степи, полупустыни и пустыни.казахстан обрел независимость около двадцати лет назад, после распада советского союза. но национальную культуру казахстана еще много веков назад стали создавать казахи, кочевники, которые большую часть жизни проводили в седле. бескрайние степи и полупустыни, заросшие типчаком, ковылем, тирсиком и полынью, стали их единственным богатством. сейчас в нашей стране проживают люди разных культур: казахи, , узбеки, украинцы, уйгуры, татары и другие. каждый житель казахстана знает казахский язык — это язык казахской нации. также официальным языком признан , как язык межнационального общения. люди в казахстан живут свободно, а не скученно. здесь много земель, а людей на них приходится немного.

Anton pavlovich chéhov is a russian writer, novelist and playwright. the acknowledged classic of world literature. a doctor by profession. honorary academician of the imperial academy of sciences in the category of fine literature (1900-1902). one of the most famous playwrights in the world. his works are translated into more than 100 languages. his plays, notably "the seagull", three sisters and the cherry orchard, for over 100 years at the heart of many theatres of the world. over 25 years of creativity czechs created over 300 different pieces (short humorous stories, serious stories, plays), many of which have become classics of world literature. special attention "steppe", "boring" history, "duel", "ward no. 6," the story of an unknown man "," men "(1897)," the man in the case "(1898)," the ravine "," kids "," drama on the hunt "; of plays: ivanov, the seagull, uncle vanya, three sisters, "cherry orchard ".удачи..

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