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A) используя слова в скобках, составьте предложения, описывающие действия, запланированные питом на каникулы. например: (pete/go/england) pete is going to england. 1.he/leave/next sunday. 2. he/stay/in england for three weeks. 3.pete/go/with his friend. 4. they/stay/in a hotel. 5. they/go/by plane. 6.they/come back/on saturday. b)раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в present continuous или present indefinite. 1.we (have) party next sunday. will you come? 2. (the film/begin) at 4 or at 6? 3. mary (get marry) next saturday. 4. what time (the next bus/leave)? 5. what time (you/meet) ann? 6. the exhibition (open) on 5 april and (finish) on 15 may.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)he is leaving 2)he is staying 3)pete is going 4)they are staying 5)they are going 6)they are coming back     b)1)we will have 2) is the film begining   3)will get marry   4)the next bus will leave 5)will you meet   6)will open   will finish


of course

elmir 14 years old, sasha 15 years old

they study with me

yes of course

sure, i like spend my time with my lovely friends

my friends like walk after school, talk about different topics with me

elmir can playing football, its his hobby, sasha's hobby is drawing

i have enough friends

they cannot playing chess, but can playing monopoly

yes of course

Популярно: Английский язык