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Вставьте пропущенные слова. for breakfast i ate and drank yesterday. for lunch i ate and for dinner. i and .for supper i and .

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For the breakfast i ate  porridge and drank tea yesterday. for lunch i ate  pasta and for dinner i ate salad with bread. for supper i drank milk and ate  chocolate. перевод: вчера на завтрак я съела кашу и выпила чай. на обед я съела макароны и на ужин я съела салат с хлебом. на поздний ужин я выпила молоко и съела шоколадку.

We expect great difficulties in delivering   the last lot of goods.  they insist on discussing  this matter at the next meeting the seller guarantees to correct  all the defects within a week. i look forward to seeing   you on friday.  we were not satisfied with the service they provided, so we refused to pa y them.  try to ask mrs. jenkins for help. she usually doesn’t mind dealing  with difficult customers. when she finished to speak   she asked if anyone had any questions.  our profits are up this year, so i expect my boss to give   me a pay rise.  would you mind ringing   me back later today?   our british partners agreed to offer  us a 6% discount if we increased our order.

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