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Перевести на : -я не умею! -все ты умеешь,мне нравится с тобой обниматься.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ican't do anything! -you can do it, and l love to hug you much!

Ican not! -all you know how i like to cuddle with you.

1. i am tak ing my book. 2.  i am open ing it. 3.  i am read ing text seven. 4.  i am clos ing the book now. 5.  i am giv ing it to my friend. 6.  i am put ting the exercise-book on the table. 7.  i am tak ing it off the table. 8.  i am go ing to the blackboard. 9.  i am looking at the blackboard.

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