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Напиши выражения используя притяжательный падеж: 1.the name of my brother 2. the toys of his friends 3. the kittens of her cat 4. the books of my teacher 5. the friends of the boys

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my brother's name 2. his friend's toys 3. her cat's kittens 4. my teacher's books 5. the boy's friends

1)  yesterday linda gave   the interview to the youth magazine.2)   linda speake  french.3)  next month a group of russian students will spend   two weeks in london.4)  during their last visit the students   stayed  with english families.5)  let's  arrenge   a date and time now.6)  they  go  to change their names. 

Популярно: Английский язык