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Уменя 10 октября олимпиада по . яз. и мне нужно во 2 туре прочитать поэму. я не знаю, какую мне выбрать. она должна быть и лёгкой, и сложной. и длинной, и короткой, чтобы легко учить. в общем нейтрал. мне найти подходящую поэму. вознаграждение: 35 .

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Aerialist each night, this adroit young ladylies among sheetsshredded fine as snowflakesuntil dream takes her bodyfrom bed to strict tryoutsin tightrope acrobatics.nightly she balancescat-clever on perilous wirein a gigantic hall,footing her delicate dancesto whipcrack and roarwhich speak her maestro's will.gilded, coming correctacross that sultry air,she steps, halts, hungin dead center of her actas great weights drop all about herand commence to swing.lessoned thus, the girlparries the lunge and menaceof every pendulum; by deft duck and twirlshe draws applause; bright harnessbites keen into each brave limbthen, this tough stint done, she curtsiesand serenely plummets downto traverse glass floorand get safe home; but, turning with trained eyes,tiger-tamer and grinning clownsquat, bowling black balls at her.tall trucks roll inwith a thunder like lions; all aimsand lumbering moves

She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes: thus mellow'd to that tender light which heaven to gaudy day denies. one shade the more, one ray the less, had half impair'd the nameless grace which waves in every raven tress, or softly lightens o'er her face; where thoughts serenely sweet express how pure, how dear their dwelling-place. and on that cheek, and o'er that brow, so soft, so calm, yet eloquent, the smiles that win. the tints that glow, but tell of days in goodness spent, a mind at peace with all below, a heart whose love is innocent!

Metro stations. "novoslobodskaya" opening date: 30 january 1952 architects station and lobby: a. dushkin, af strelkov artists: pd korin, with the participation of j. weiland, e., d. i bodnieka, jm rysin e. krestsa sculptor: gi motovilov amazing stained glass windows of the station were made in latvia, however, for it had to use glass, designed the cathedral in riga. communist ideology questioned the need for it in the stained glass as a decoration station, afraid that they will be reminded church workers. but nothing happened, atheists, muscovites have never been to europe, and seeing the gothic cathedrals, stained glass reminiscent of an aquarium with pictures of the underwater kingdom. on "novoslobodskaya" have something to gaze: thirty-two beautiful stained glass windows, made from drawings by p. korin, decorate the pylons, they are framed by a carved band of gilded brass hammered work. during the struggle against the cult of the individual mosaic panels on the front wall of the central hall lost stalin's portrait, now in this place fluttering doves.

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