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Напишите антонимы к словам: 1.impressive 2.helpful 3.polite 4.proper 5. reglar 6. careless 7. understand 8. something

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.impressive - not spectacular   2.helpful - useless,unhelpful 3.polite-rude,impolite 4.proper - improper 5. regular - irregular 6. careless - careful 7. understand - misunderstand 8. something - nothing

1. how did you damage your car so badly? – i ran into a lamp-post yesterday. – i suppose you were driving too quickly or were not looking where you were going. 2. as he got into the bus, it started suddenly and he fell backwards on to the road. 3. i called paul at 7.00 but it wasn’t necessary because he had already got up. 4. when i heard his knock i went to the door and opened it, but i did not recognize him at first because he was wearing the glasses. 5. as i was crossing the road i stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily. i still lying on the road when i saw a lorry approaching. luckily the driver saw me and stopped the lorry in time.

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