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Переведите на : 1. я бы сыграл ещё одну партию в шахматы. 2. если ы америку открыл колумб, она бы называлась по-другому. 3. если бы ты занимался спортом, ты бы меньше болел. 4. я бы хотел совершить путешествие по северной америке. 5. если бы не любовь к театру, мы бы не встретились. 6. он мог бы написать книгу о своём детстве. 7. если бы не аэробика, то у меня не было бы такой стройной фигуры. 8. если бы не крики за окном, я бы не проснулась.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i would have played another game of chess.   2.when columbus discovered america, it would be called differently. 3.if you played sports, you would be less sick. 4.i would like to make a trip to north america. 5. if it were not for the love of the theater, we would not have met. 6. he could write a book about his childhood. 7. if not for aerobics, then i would not have been such a slim figure. 8. if it were not screaming outside, i would not have woken up.

3. we read a new text in class the day before. then the teacher asked us questions and we answered them. 4 . what time did you have dinner today ? - i had dinner at three. 5 . you like to play chess? - yes, but i rarely (not often ) play chess now . i used to play chess in the last year. 6. i usually spend the weekend with his family . we decided to go out of town last sunday. we went there in the morning . the weather was good and we got back into town late at night. 7. my little son likes to ask me many questions, and i always tell them. 8. where were you yesterday? i came to you , but you were not home . 9. where are your children? - they are skating in the park.

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