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Солимпиадой! : a frenchwoman ) to go to great britain for a holiday. so she ) her things and then she ) about her little dog. she ) in with her because there ) no one who ) look after it. the dog ) very quiet and she ) that everything ) all right during the flight. the flight was very pleasant and she ) it very much. the frenchwoman ) that nobody ) the dog. but just before the plane ) one of the passengers who ) near the woman ) her that the english did not let foreigners bring dogs to their country. the woman know) what to do. when the plane ) she ) the dog under her coat and ) to the customs house. the customs officer ) her that she 't) bring dogs to britain. "i have no dog," ) the woman. "then i ) that the tail which ) down below your coat ) your own, " said the customs officer.

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1) decided 2) packed 3) remembered 4) took 5) was 6) could 7) was 8) hoped 9) would be 10) enjoyed 11) thought 12) would notice 13) landed 14) was sitting 15) told 16) didn't know 17) landed 18) put 19) went 20) told 21) couldn't 22) said 23) understand 24) is hanging 25) is

1. the trachea (делиться) splits at its bottom end into two smaller tubes, bronchi, one is going to each lung. 2. respiration (происходить) goes on in all living beings (humans, animals, plants). 3. after entering the nose, the air passes through the (носовая полость) nasal cavity, where it is filtered by the nasal hairs, warmed and humidified. 4. any dust that (вдыхается) is inhaled into the respiratory system immediately gets trapped in the mucous, and the cilia move it towards the mouth or nose where it can be (откашлять) coughed out. 5. to prevent food from entering (трахея) the trachea, a small flap of tissue called the epiglottis closes the opening (во время глотания) when swallowing.

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