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Переведите, обращая внимание на герундий: 1). he is fond of reading books. 2). let`s go swimming. 3). he talked without stopping. 4). she likes sitting in the sun. 5). she thought of going to the country for the weekend. 6). she enjoys taking photos. 7). stop laughing. 8). repairing cars is his business. 9). there are two ways of getting sugar. 10). what are the advantages of having a car?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)он увлекаться чтением книг  2)давайте купаться 3)но говорит без умолку 4)он любит загорать 5)она думала, съездить в страну на выходных  6)она любит фотографировать  7)перестань смеяться!   8)ремонт автомобилей, его бизнес 9)сахар можно получить двумя способами 10)какие   преимущества  иметь машину 

I'm sorry but i didn't do my homework yesterday. - you had to tell me about it on the break. - i forgot about it. - and why didn't you do your hometask? - i was ill. - it's not the reason. i will ask you at the next lesson. and today you have two for your homework.

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