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Как пореводится i think the best holidays are in summer because the weather us warm

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Ядумаю что лучшие выходные летом потому что тогда хорошая погода.

Ядумаю, что лучшие каникулы - летние, потому что погода теплая

1. people and environmentthe problem of interaction between society and nature is one of the major in geography. a number of scientists believe that it is geography should bring together all the sciences, aimed at creating a harmonious relationship between man and nature , as the geography of science turned into a constructive , having access to the widest practical activity . within geography , a new scientific direction - geoecology . it is closely linked with the social environment and the global environment - scientific disciplines that study of the interaction between society and nature , but mainly theoretically . global ecology synthesizes knowledge of physics , chemistry, biology , social sciences and geography to solve environmental problems . under the subject of social ecology (or human ecology ) , most experts understand study of the optimal conditions of human life as natural and social beings . thus, the problem of interaction between society and nature can be solved only through the efforts of all the sciences . it is a comprehensive and global problems.

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