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Спределениями в . 1 money, property, that you receive from someone who has died 4 the state of being known by a lot of people because of your achievements 5 willingness to achieve something in life 10 having a lot of possessions, especially because your family has owned them for a long time 11 a job or profession that helps to forge your way to the top 12the relationship between two people which assists to rise through the ranks 2 someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school 3 an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work and determination 6 the quality of being liked by a lot of people 7 the way someone lives, including the place they live in, the things they own, the kind of job they do and the activities they enjoy 8 determination to become rich, successful and powerful 9 the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully 13money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for 14 knowledge or skills gained while doing a job 1 5 the respect and importance of a person because of his high position in society or the quality of his work

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. наследство - inheritance (по словам переводчика);

4.popular, famous

  2. bright?

  9. optimism

  13. salary

  14. experience

  3. mb effort










2)good with my hands

3)help people

4)did things well

5)had to work late

6)on time

7)a special uniform

8)on my own


1) (Имя тети),is doktor.She became a doktor because she likes chemistry and talk with peoples to understand what the matter with they.He has a big experience.He had rather on her own.She things what doctors would be clear.


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