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Exercise 2. a) put in the verb to be in the correct form. 1. i … a student. 2. he … an economist. 3. we … workers. 4. they … doctors. 5. you … a lawyer. 6. she … a secretary. 7. you … managers. 8. it … a cat. 9. these girls … very strange. where … they from? 10. i … fond of sports. 11. jane … married, but nick and john … single. 12. you and kate … here for the first time. 13. we … at the lesson now. 14. he … a businessman and his wife … a model. 15. they … my friends, but who … he? 16. where … your car? 17. i … an artist, and what … you? 18. here … all the money i’ve got on me. 19. helen … russian. she … twenty. she … a good student. she … not married. she … single. her eyes … blue. she … beautiful. she … from the urals. she … fond of music. she … interested in foreign languages. she … good at swimming. her favourite seasons … spring and summer. her friend’s name … nick. he … twenty. he … not a student. he … a singer. he … tall and handsome. his hair and eyes … black. his new car … red. they … good friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am… a student. 2. he is… an economist. 3. we are… workers. 4. theyare… doctors. 5. you are… a lawyer. 6. she is… a secretary. 7. you are… managers.8. it is… a cat. 9. these girls are… very strange. where are… they from? 10. i am…fond of sports. 11. jane is… married, but nick and john are… single. 12. you and kate are… here for the first time. 13. we are… at the lesson now. 14. he is…a businessman and his wife … a model. 15. they … my friends, but who is …he? 16. where is… your car? 17. i am… an artist, and what are… you? 18. here is all the money i’ve got on me. 19. helen is… russian. she is… twenty. she is…a good student. she is… not married. she is… single. her eyes are… blue. she is…beautiful. she is… from the urals. she …is fond of music. she is… interested in foreign languages. she is… good at swimming. her favourite seasons …are spring and summer. her friend’s name is… nick. he is… twenty. he is… not a student. he is… a singer. he is… tall and handsome. his hair and eyes are black. his new car is… red. they are… good friends.

1. большинство земли пригодной для фермерства находятся на юго-востоке . 2. пастбища хорошо для кормления овец. 3. существуют несколько диких мест, которые остались в великобритании. большинство из них находятся на севере страны. в сша люди могут наслаждаться красотой дикой америки в парках, лесах и дикого места. 4. наши прабабушки и прадедушки являются бабушками и дедушками родителей. 5. каное - индийская лодка. 6. сибирь славится своими бесконечными лесами. 7. реки используют в качестве водных путей.

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