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Расставить слова в предложениях в нужном порядке. используй модели. первая модель это жираф в квадрате, вторая модель треугольник, и третья модель треугольник в ней буква s и голова жирафа от первой модели, а слова skips. tim

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Ответы на вопрос:

tim skips. тим прыгает через скакалку.

Exercise 2

1) HE had lost HIS

2) THEY were taking THEIR

3) HIS sister was going to visit HIM

4) HE needed to buy a present for HIS

5) HE wanted ME to wash HIS car for HIM

Exercise 3

2) He said that they were working in the garden

3) She told us that they had got married.

4) She said that she would go shopping the following day

5) She said that she had bought a new car the previous week

6) They said that they weren’t doing anything the following week.

7) She told me that she couldn’t go out that night

8) He said that he had forgotten to pay the bill

9) She told me that they had bought me a present

10) She told Peter that she would phone him the following day.

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