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Перевести в мире существует множество профессий. у каждой свои достоинства и недостатки, свои требования и особенности я хочу, чтобы моя будущая профессия была полезной для людей, интересной для меня я выбрала профессию юриста моя профессия пришла из древности. одними из первых юристов были римляне. они вырабатывали, хранили, толковали законы. юридическое образование обеспечит мне знание закона, понимание правовых обязанностей граждан, прав и свобод человека, признанных законодательством страны и международными правовыми документами юрист - профессия трудная, поскольку она требует самоотдачи и глубоких знаний разных областей науки, однако, юрист - профессия благородная, она призывает человека быть честным и самоотверженным в безграничной человеку, который нуждается в , вследствие нарушения его прав.

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In the world there are many professions. each has its own strengths and weaknesses, its requirements and features i want my future profession was useful for people who interesting to me, i chose the profession of lawyer my profession has come from antiquity. one of the first lawyers were the romans. they produce, store, they interpret the law. legal education will provide me the knowledge of the law, understanding of the legal responsibilities of citizens, human rights and freedoms recognized by national legislation and international legal instruments lawyer - a profession difficult because it requires dedication and deep fundamental knowledge of different areas of science, however, a lawyer - a profession noble, it calls man to be honest and selfless in unlimited assistance to a person who needs assistance due to a violation of his rights.

My name is study in the school at the -th form. i would like to tell you several words about our school newsletter. by the way, what is newsletter? that's paper with the latest newsof our school at it. the editor of it is   our classroom teacher. we help her to collect and write an information. i want to tell you about the latest internet phenomena, vkontakte, as well. it's wonderful things, where you can chat with your friends online. with its help you can ask about h/w you don't understand, exchange our thoughts with your friends and close people. i think that site "knowledge" is useful for teenagers.there you can   check your knowledge and receive answers on your questions. it's very important for our society.

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