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Вставить слова a)brainy b)brainwave c)brainwash d)brainbox e)be the brains behind f)brainless g)pick someone's brains h)brain dead i)use your brain j)brainstorm 1. let's get together and ideas for our next project. 2. my brother's the one, but i'm better- looking! 3. if you keep watching tv all the time, youm end up being 4. bob geldof live aid and live 8. 5. i've just had let's go to prague for the weekend! 6. advertisements us into buying things we don't need. 7. dad, i can't do my homework. can i 8. you just went through a red light, dan! that was a thing to do. 9. martin's the of the class. he always gets top marks. 10. you had to to do this exercise!

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Ответы на вопрос:

9? это martin is the brains behind of the ? тогда е 10 i 8 f 1 j 2 a 3 h 6 c 7 g 4 b 5 d сорри,что вперемешку

  лучше сказать i will have brakfast now. will-модальный глагол он показывает будущее время, have-действие в данном случае значит иметь. то есть предложение будет значить я буду сейчас завтракать

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