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Как читаются слова по ? our family is small but friendly. in our family, three people: my mother, my sister and me. my mom's name is marina. she is 36 years old. eye color her light brown. she is very beautiful and kind. in her spare time she likes to knit and embroider. my sister called xenia. she's 19 years old. eye color her blue. it study in the medical kollezhde and she is really like. she is very kind and clever. always happy to help me if i have any problems. i love my family so much

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Наша семья маленькая но дружная.моя семья состоит из трех людей: моя мама моя сестра и я

Ауэ фэмили ис смол бат фрэнд ли. ин ауэ фэмили три пипл: май мазер, май систер, энд ми. май момс нэйм ис марина. ши ис 36 еарс олд. ай калор хёр лайт браун. ши ис вери бьютифул энд кайнд. ин хёр спэйр тайм ши лайкс ту найт энд эмбройдер.

Н1)people live on earth2)big3)there are many plants,many cities,countries,prople,work places.4)on oceans,seas,rivers and lakes5)it is very beatiful! 6)because you live on earh,and sometimes you think about how the life arosed7)people speak on mamy languages because they want to defend themselves and to have a good job n2 grammar 1)my son always walks to school2)i went to paris last month3)my mother has a nice house in the country4)my sister came to see me when i was ill last month5)i am cleaning the windows of my room now6)this is a photograph of me when i was a baby7)peter will 12 next month8)try one of these cakes; i made them yesterday in the evening9)bob bought a car as soon as he passed the driving tests остальное сделай сам(-а)

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