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Составьте 10 вопросов, заранее ! harold is a bank manager in town. he's a health freak. he wants to live to be a hundred, so health is very important to him. he gets up at five o'clock in the morning and lifts dumb-bells for thirty minutes. for breakfast he eats a raw egg with garlic and chili pepper. it tastes disgusting. he leaves for work at 7 o'clock. he never goes by bus and he thinks that cars are extremely dangerous. he walks with a mask over his nose and mouth everywhere. he also wears a uniform in his office which he designed to protect himself from dust and dirt. at the office he washes his hands ten times a day and he wears gloves to pick up the telephone in case it "dirty". he takes his lunch to work with him. he eats fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. he is sure that the lunch which the firm provides isn't good for him. after work he rushes home to water the plants. he has hundreds of plants, because he provide oxygen. in the evening je sometimes listening to the radio, but never watches tv because it might damage his eyesight. on mondays he goes to a fitness club and on tuesday to a vegetarian cookery class. he rarely goes to the cinema or the theatre - there are far too many germs. he goes to bed early. in summer he sleep in a tent in the garden. on the first day of every month he sees the doctor, just to make sure that he isn't ill. after all, he doesn't want to find himself in hospital.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) what is harold's job? 2) what does harold want? 3) does his lifestile healthy? 4) when does he wake up every day? 5) what does he eat during his breakfast? 6) what time does he leave for work? 7) does he go to work by bus? 8) does he like cars? 9) what does he wear uniform for? 10) what does he do after work?

1.  harold is a bank manager in town, isn't he? 2. is harold a health freak? 3. how long does he want to live? 4. when does he   get up? 5.  for breakfast he eats sandwiches, doesn't he? 6. does he leave foe work at 7 or at 9 o'clock? 7. does he go to work by bus? 8. how many times does harold wash his hands? 9.  he eats fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion for lunch, doesn't he? 10. does harold watch tv once in a while?



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