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Compare the two things. 1.greece is (near) to russia than canada. 2. a mountain is (high) than a hill . 3. a "bmw" is (expensive) than a "volga". 4. nowadays life is (difficult) than it used to be. 5. a walking holiday is (healthy) than a holiday in a car. 6. len's english is (bad) than pat's.

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1.greece is nearer to russia than canada. 2.a mountain is higher than a hill. 3.a "bmw" is more expensive than a"volga". 4.nowadays life is more difficult than it used to be. 5.a walking holiday is more healthy than a holiday in a car. 6.len's english is worse than pat's.

My favorite dish is fried potatoes with mushrooms. – моё любимое блюдо жареная картошка с грибами. i don’t like eating soup, i prefer rice with vegetables or mushed potato. – мне не нравится есть суп, я предпочитаю рис с овощами или картофельное пюре. i like to eat a sandwich or a salad in the morning. – мне нравится съесть утром салат или бутерброд. i like to try different salads. – я люблю пробовать разные салаты. my mom likes to cook borsch and a vegetable soup, they became my favorite dishes since i was a child. – моя мама любит готовить борщ и овощной суп, они стали моей любимой едой с тех пор, как я был ребёнком. i like to eat an omelet or a fried egg for breakfast. – мне нравится позавтракать омлетом или яичницей. i prefer eating fried fish than cutlets or meatballs. – я предпочитаю есть жареную рыбу, чем котлеты или тефтели. my favorite dish is meat dumplings with sour cream, i cook them quite often. – моё любимое блюдо – это пельмени со сметаной, я готовлю их довольно часто. i like to eat some fruits in the morning, they have many necessary vitamins. – я люблю есть на завтрак фрукты, в них содержится много необходимых витаминов.

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