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Поставить правильную форму. и перевести на язык. my morning begins early. at seven o`clock i (be) in the kitcher for breakfast. i (have) porridge, (eat) to sandwiches and (drink) a cup of strong tea. then i (go) to school. in class we (read) russian and english books, (do) sums and (write) a lot. at 12 o`clock we (have) lunch. i (eat) some chicken and (drink) orange juice. at 3 o`clock our teacher (give) us our homework and we (go) home.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1am 2  have 3 eat 4 drink 5  go 6  read   7  do 8 write 9 have 10eat 11 drink 12 gives 13 go мое утро начинается рано. в 7 ч. я на кухне. я ем кашу,сэндвичи и пью чашку крепкого чая. затем я иду в школу. в классе мы читаем книги на  и языках,решаем примеры и много пишем. в 1 часов у нас обед. я ем цыпленка и пью апельсиновый сок. в 3 часа наш учитель дает нам и мы идем домой.

a) Sometimes he sits and watches TV.

How often does he sit and watch TV?

Who sits and watches TV sometimes?

What does he sometimes watch?

b) Harry lives in the suburbs.

Who lives in the suburbs?

Where does Harry live?

c) On Monday I usually wake up late.

When do I usually wake up late?

Who usually wakes up late?

d) My mother brings me a cup of tea at half past seven.

Who brings me a cup of tea at half past seven?

What does my mother bring me at half past seven?

When does my mother bring me a cup of tea?

e) Peter takes his bath after work.

Who takes bath after work?

When does Peter take his bath?

f) The child plays the piano very well.

What does the child play very well?

How well does the child play the piano?

g) John goes to the window and looks at the roses in the garden.

Who goes to the windows and looks at the roses in the garden?

Where does John go and look at the roses in the garden?

What does John look at in the garden?

Where does John look at the roses?

h) They see a big dog.

Who sees a big dog?

What dog do they see?

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