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Iam from wales. wales is a small country. there are many beautiful forests, rivers, mountains and lakes. there s mount snowdon in wales. i live in cardiff. it is a beutiful city. there are many interesting place is our wonderful park. i like playing games and going on rides there. i like my country and my citi veri much. как этот текст прочитать на ? напишите буквами!

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Iam from wales. aɪ  æm  frɒm  weɪlz.  wales is a small country. weɪlz  ɪz  ə  smɔːl  ˈkʌntri.  there are many beautiful forests, rivers, mountains and lakes. ðeə r  ɑː  ˈmɛni  ˈbjuːtəfʊl  ˈfɒrɪsts,  ˈrɪvəz,  ˈmaʊntɪnz  ænd  leɪks .  there s mount snowdon in wales. ðeə r  ɛs  maʊnt  ˈsnəʊdən  ɪn  weɪlz .  i live in cardiff. aɪ  lɪv  ɪn  ˈkɑːdɪf .  it is a beautiful city. ɪt  ɪz  ə  ˈbjuːtəfʊl  ˈsɪti .  there are many interesting place is our wonderful park. ðeə r  ɑː  ˈmɛni  ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ  pleɪs  ɪz  ˈaʊə  ˈwʌndəfʊl  pɑːk .  i like playing games and going on rides there. aɪ  laɪk  ˈpleɪɪŋ  geɪmz  ænd  ˈgəʊɪŋ  ɒn  raɪdz  ðeə .  i like my country and my city very much.  aɪ  laɪk  maɪ  ˈkʌntri  ænd  maɪ  siti  veri  mʌʧ . 

1. she has cooked lunch an hour ago. 2. mary   has been fun  reading a book  harry porter recently. 3. i have left moscow two weeks ago. 4. we have spoken to our new teacher last friday.  5. daniel hasn`t sent a birthday card to mum lately. 6. you have learnt the poem by heart yesterday. 7. the children   haven`t done exercise ten last evening. 8. you have been to paris. 9. has her mother made a  dress yet?

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