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Составьте предложения со словами: state`s symbols, insignia, anthan, a flag, licence.

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Our country has a great license for tobacco. russian flag has a deep history. insignia apple has a big fame in the world.

Finishing school, millions of young people begin an independent life. they can begin to work or continue their studies to obtain higher education. everyone knows what to choose a profession, because sooner or later it concerns everyone. some career choices pay attention to earnings, some demand, well, least likely to opt for the soul, that are closer to them.so i chose the profession of a public servant. specialty "state and municipal governance" is by far one of the most pressing. from the standpoint of the historical development of our society today we live in a time of radical changes, reforms, various transformations in all spheres of society (economic, social, political). all this requires a new way to build governance. after all, poor management - is evidence of poor performance of the current state apparatus and the need for its renewal. therefore, public service, public administration, are placed on a higher level of study.what are the main criteria for choosing a future profession? firstly, it should be interesting. an exciting activity that you really like - it's an important part of happiness in life. then, it should take into account the need to earn a living. the most amazing work does not bring you satisfaction if you are starving. in addition, there is a very urgent problem of unemployment: it is necessary to choose such a profession, so you could easily find a job. and most importantly, it is important to always be able to hear the views of others (parents, teachers) to help make a decision that affects your future life.in the process of "self study", i realized that knowingly chose this profession. i think i have the potential to become a good specialist. at least many of the qualities required for this, i have. the main thing - to develop their confidence. some qualities, of course, lacking, but now i know what you need to work out what to cultivate. for example, before i did not think about whether i am a person organized. but looking at myself, i realized that in this respect i still have a lot of work. we should always try to change for the better, develop the qualities, both business and personal, that will help us to achieve new successes in their activity. we always have to try to "grow" in the eyes of others and in their own.

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