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Составить диалог использовав данные слова hi! how are you? - great -how s everything? - i m fine (thanks) -how s it going? - not bad -hello! i m i- so-so -hi! i m -hello! i m -nice to meet you this is - hi! i m say goodbye - hello! i m -goodbye -see you later -bye -see you -see you tonorrow - take care

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi! how are you? - great! and you? - how's everything? - - fine. thanks. this is mike. - hello, mike! i'm meg. - nice to meet you meg! - nice to meet you too, mike! - well, s ee you tonorrow. bye. - see you . - take care. 

Racy.  what's eating you, jack? - чем ты недоволен, джек? jack.  ah! never mind. just a slight headache.- да не обращайте внимания. просто слегка болит голова.rona.  he is never well when museums are on the schedule.- он всегда болен, когда в программе дня музеи.j.  the attic of the nation are all those museums, aren't they? - все эти музеи - это чердак нации, не так ли? t.  take it easy jack, relax.- не расстраивайся, джек, расслабься.j.  if i could i would. it's annoying when you can't have fun from something, isn't it? - если б я мог! досадно, когда не получаешь удовольствия от чего-то.r.  fun? museums are .educational establishments for advancing and diffusing knowledge. you are not expected to have fun with it like dog shows or flower exhibitions.- удовольствия? музеи - это образовательные учреждения, предназначенные для увеличения и распространения знаний. ты и не должен там развлекаться, как на выставке собак или цветов.j.  what a bore! - ну зануда! henry.  a picture gallery is no less enjoyable than a dog show. stick to me, jack, and you'll find it terrific, i promise you.- в картинной галерее не менее интересно, чем на выставке собак. держись меня и ты увидишь, что это потрясающе, обещаю тебе.j.  do you? we shall see. (in the museum each visitor is offered a cassette player and earphones to listen to a recorded guide's да? посмотрим. (в музее каждому посетителю предлагают плеер с наушниками для прослушивания записи комментария гида.)voice on the audio tape.

1. alice has a sister. 

2. her sister’s name is ann. 

3. ann is  a student. 

4. she   gets up at seven o'clock. 

5. she goes to the institute in the morning. 

6. jane is fond of sports. 

7. she   does her morning exercises every day. 

8. for breakfast she has two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 

9. after breakfast she goes to the institute. 

10. sometimes she   takes a bus. 

11. it takes  her an hour and a half to do her homework. 

12. she speaks english well. 

13. her friends usually calls  her at about 8 o’clock. 

14. ann takes a shower before going to bed. 

15. she goes to bed at 11 p. m.

1. my working day   begins at six o'clock. 

2. i get up, switch on the tv and   brush my teeth. 

3. it takes me about twenty minutes. 

4. i   have  breakfast at seven o’clock. 

5. i leave home at half past seven. 

6. i   take a bus to the institute. 

7. it usually takes me about fifteen minutes to get there. 

8. classes begins at eight. 

9. we usually   have four classes a day. 

10. i have lunch at about 2 o’clock.

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