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"напиши по 1- на будущей неделе, 2- через неделю, 3-через две недели, 4-в будущем году. 5-через два года, 6-через год. 7-в будущее воскресение 8- в будущий понедельник 9- в будущую субботу 10- через пять часов

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Ответы на вопрос:

1next week 2 in a week 3 in two weeks 4 next year 5 in two years/ two years later 6 in a year 7 neхt sunday 8 next monday 9 next saturday 10 in five hours

1. he studies english 2. jill playy on the playgroung 3. she likes grammatic exercises  4. bill prefers ice cream 5. janna cries there  < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > 1. i'am playing musical instruments now 2. he's eating a burger 3. bob's coming from that place now 4. he's becoming a nice professor  5. bill's riding a bike in the park

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