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1she`s from mexico.she isn`t from spain. 2 you .you are german. 3 my favourite sport is tennis.. 4 i am rissian .. 5 we .we are pilots . 6 i am an artist. teacher. 7 tony`s sixteen years old.he years old. 8 they from spain . they are from portugal. fill in / `m not ,isn`t or aren`t

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Ответы на вопрос:

2)you are not italian 3)it is not football 4)i am not french 5)we are not vets 6)i am a teacher 7)he is not sixty years old 8)they are not from spain

1.how long have you been on vacation ? 2.you put the picture? 3. i have read this book. 4. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, he already ate?

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