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1)the two companies … . выберите один ответ: have been merged have merged to have merged has merged 2)we … … a new office in paris. выберите один ответ: have got have been got to have got has got 3)she … … for the family business for 25 years. выберите один ответ: has been worked has worked to have worked have worked 4)… the manager … the letter when he was called to the director’s office? выберите один ответ: to have … written had … written has … write has … written 5)we … … the talks for 2 months before the contract was signed. выберите один ответ: has had had had have had to have had 6)who … … this letter? – the secretary … . выберите один ответ: has sent, have have sent, have has sent, has have sent, has 7)the director … … meeting by the time you get there. выберите один ответ: will has finished will have finished would has finished would have finished 8)… … … the work yet? выберите один ответ: have you done to have you done you have done has you done 9)the company … … from this site for five years but now it wants to change the location. выберите один ответ: has been operated have operated to have operated has operated 10)when they installed the new software, it … … … obsolete. выберите один ответ: have yet become have already become had already become has yet become ! ! заранее огромное !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)the two companies … . have been merged2)we … … a new office in paris.have got3)she … … for the family business for 25 years.has worked4)… the manager … the letter when he was called to the director’s office? had … written5)we … … the talks for 2 months before the contract was signed.had had6)who … … this letter? – the secretary … .has sent, has7)the director … … meeting by the time you get there.wolud  has finished8)… … … the work yet? have you done9)the company … … from this site for five years but now it wants to change the location.has operated10)when they installed the new software, it … … … obsolete.had already become

1. i have been translating this article for about an hour and have translated the first part.

2. they have been discussing the problem for hours but haven't come to any decision yet.

в первом случае видно, что действие продолжительное, present simple там никак не может стоять, во втором случае тоже самое.

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