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Определите по грамматическим признакам какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием - s, - es а) глагол в 3 лице ед.ч. в present indefinite б) существительного мн.ч. в) существ. ед.ч. притяжательного падежа г) существительным мн. ч. притяжательного падежа. 1. mr. clay usually walks his dog early in the morning. there are many pleasant walks in the area. 3. what is your parents' address? 4. my parents live in khabarovsk. 5. she was in london four times. 6. she usually times her journey perfectly well. 7. we had some good times together. 8. she likes modern music. 9. we discuss our likes and dislikes with our friends. 10. students attend lectures and seminars. 11. this student’s work is excellent. 12. oxford students’ uniform attracts people’s attention. 13. he lectures on physics.

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