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Mia: sweety sweaty swotty! david: stop, teasing him, mia. ok, maths is difficult. he’s got an 'a'. so what& mia: nothing. i've got an 'a' in music. that's normal. adam: are you saying it's not normal to like maths? mia: well, maths is my least favourite subject, i hate it. on my top-ten list maths is number ten, of course. adam: and music is number one, i guess. ha, ha. how very clever! david: stop quarrelling, you two! my favourite subject is english. we're all different, so what? 2 say if it is true or false. 1 adam has english on monday. 4 mia and adam are fighting. 2 adam is teasing mia. 5 they are different. 3 it is not normal to like maths. 6 english is easy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) it's false, mia is  teasing adam 2) no information 3) no inf 4) false 5) true 6) no inf

My favourite toy is a bear. his name is misha. he's all brown.  he loves honey but hates bees. моя любимая игрушка медвежонок. его зовут миша. он весь коричневый. он обожает мёд, но не любит пчёл.

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