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На слово образование. некоторые слова вставил, остальные никак не додумаю, т.к. не знаю этих слов. в скобках помечу слову из которых нужно образовать новые слова (преобразовать). можно ответить по образцу: 1. , и т.д. "в звездочках" помечены те слова, которые я вставил. их нужно проверить! если они правильны (что вероятно), то их можно опустить в ответах. удачи! the russian writer anton chekhov, who was born in 1860 and died in 1904, has made an enormous (contribute) to modern literature. his success was a remarkable *achievement* (achieve) ,and came despite the fact that chekhov's family lived in severe powerty for much of his *childhood* (child). chekhov's works have had a great influence on 20th sentury literature in many ways, particulary in terms of ) expression, plot and narrative structure, and character *development* (develop). even today, more than a hundred years after his *death* (dead) , chekhov's stories are extremely popular all over the world and major new (produce) of his plays are frequently mounted, to great success.

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The russian writer anton chekhov, who was born in 1860 and died in 1904, has made an enormous contribution to modern literature. his success was a remarkable achievement, and came despite the fact that chekhov's family lived in severe poverty for much of his childhood.  chekhov's works have had a great influence on 20th century literature in many ways, particularly in terms of emotional expression, plot and narrative structure, and character developments. even today, more than a hundred years after his death, chekhov's stories are extremely popular all over the world and major new productions of his plays are frequently mounted, to great success.

ban on computers at school.children should be banned from using computers in schools until they are nine-years-old because the early use of technology is destroying their attention spans, a leading expert said yesterday. a 10-year-old school boy committed suicide by jumping from his 19th floor apartment here after his parents banned him from playing computer games.



children in the us could be banned from using social networking sites in schools and libraries by a new law.the act has already been approved by a large majority in the house of representatives.critics say the act is too broad and could mean a huge number of websites are cut off from users.

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