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Знаю что не сильно сложное, но все body language what fellings do the actions in the pictures 1-8 suggest? choose from the list. make sentences, as in the example. nervous. furious. surprised. impatient. bored. unsure. worried. puzzled. 1. palms sweat 2. scratch one s head 3. tap one s foot 4. bite one s lip 5. cross one s arms 6. shrug one s shoulders 7. clench one s teeth/fists 8. raise one s eyebrows

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. дни ярости - days of rage

2. немного удивлен - a little surprised

3. отличаюсь нетерпеливым характером - differ impatient nature

4. на занятиях скучно - in class bored

5. сегодня не уверен - today not sure

6. иногда волнуюсь - sometimes worried

7. предметом - the subject of puzzled

вроде бы

Letter p lived in a simple house. she ate, drank, slept. p was sad because she knew the word "punishment", "problem", "pride", "pessimist".  then a neighbor q  came to visit p. she called herself queen. q told p: "you should  to read books and learn new words". p  agreed. p  began to read books, learn new words. and her mood improved, because she knew the word "progress", "princess", "prize", "privacy" . soon friends met again. they began to play in the park, do parties, take a lot of photoes. they were !

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