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Complete the summary of the text using words a-i from the box to fill in the gaps numbered 36 - 40. there are 4 extra words in the box. one method of terraforming mars would be to 36 asteroids at the planet. rockets attached to enormous asteroid would propel it towards mars, taking ten years to 37 the enormous distances required. the asteroid would 38 the planet with incredible force and 39 enough energy to 40 the planet’s temperature. the result would be a temperate climate and lots of water from melting ice caps. a cover b create c hit d increase e land f drive g power h rise i shoot

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Ответы на вопрос:

36 i, 37 a,  38  c,  39 b, 40 d.

1. my sister would come to see me if she were not busy today. – моя сестра навестила бы меня, если бы она не была занята сегодня.

2. he would have bought the book if he had had enough money at that moment. – он бы купил книгу, если бы у него в тот момент было бы достаточно денег. 

3. patty’s dreams would probably have come true if the jug of milk hadn’t fallen on the road. – мечты пэтти вероятно сбылись бы, если бы кувшин с молоком не упал на дорогу.

4. he would have passed the exam if he hadn’t made so many grammar mistakes – он бы сдал экзамен, если бы он не делал так много грамматических ошибок.

5. we shall save our planet if we care about the environment. – мы спасем нашу планету, если будем заботиться об окружающей среде.

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