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Miss green lived beside a church in a small street. she have) a car. on fridays she always ) to the market by bus. there ) many people in the bus, but she always ) a seat. one of the houses at the corner of miss green's street (be) empty for a long time, but then a family ) and ) in it. their name ) the adams. one day miss green ) mrs adams said,''i 11 know) the way to the market. can l come with you? '' ''please do,''miss green answered. they ) on their coats and ) to the bus stop. when they ) on the bus, it ) full, but miss green ),''perhaps those two very handsome men ) us their seats.''six men ) up quickly. bob lived in australia. in january he ) to his wife, ''l going) to fly to new york next week, because l )got some work there.'' ''where you (be going) ) there? " his wife ). '' know) yet,'' bob ).

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Miss green lived beside a church in a small street. she not have) a car. on fridays she always ) to the market by bus. there ) many people in the bus, but she always ) a seat. one of the houses at the corner of miss green's street (had been) empty for a long time, but then a family ) and ) in it. their name ) the adams. one day miss green ) mrs adams said,''i 11 not know) the way to the market. can l come with you? '' ''please do,''miss green answered. they ) on their coats and ) to the bus stop. when they ) on the bus, it ) full, but miss green ),''perhaps those two very handsome men give) us their seats.''six men ) up quickly.  bob lived in australia. in january he ) to his wife, ''l going) to fly to new york next week, because l )got some work there.'' ''where you (going) ) there? " his wife ). '' know) yet,'' bob ).


1. my watch were stolen yesterday.

2. when paul entered the room, his project was being discussed.

3. look! a new cinema has been built!

4. has the teacher been sent for?

5. when will he be talked to?

6. the text will need to be translated.

7. when dad came, all the things had been packed already.

8. andrew's words were soon forgotten.

9. where's the article? - it's being translated at the moment. it will be translated in a hour and a half.

10. where is the new shop being built?

11. all the exercises are finished. we can go to cinema.

12. passive voice is often used in english.

13. john lennon is famous not in england only.

14. the meeting will be carried out in the center of a town.

15. this castle was built in 1830.

16. i was allowed to go to the cinema.

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