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Выбрать правильное предложение если предложение неправильное нужно исправить. пример; the boy is playing with the monkoys.- no, he isnt. he is taking photos. 1. mrs woding is reading a newspaper. 2. mrs wooding is feeding the birds. 3.the monkoys are climbing the trees. 4. the girs is taking photos of her family. 5. the birds are playing with the monkeys. 6. the boy is eating an ice cream.

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no she isn't. she is feeding the birds.

no they are not. the are eating bananas. 

no she isn't. she is playing computer. 

no he isn't. he is calling his sister. 

My robot will be research dange place in ocean. he will be resembling on dolphin and will be able to explore place, wich are not available people. my robot can be used in at any time of the year, because he is not afraid of the temperatures. it will insert control panel so you can manage them at huge distances.

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