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), ) нужно перевести этот текст на ( не пользуюсь переводчиком, т.к. там не правильная постановка предложений получается ) каждый день я хожу в школу. там я общаюсь со своими друзьями и получаю новые знания. каждые вторник и четверг я хожу на вокал ( на пение ). это круто. каждые среду и субботу я занимаюсь в школе языка london time. мне там нравится. выходные я провожу на свежем воздухе: гуляю с друзьями, отдыхаю в деревне, хожу в парк. вот так проходит моя неделя.

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Every day i go to school. there i meet with my friends and gain new knowledge. every tuesday and thursday i go to the vocals ( singing ). it's very cool.every wednesday and saturday i engaged in the school of english london time. i like it very much.weekends i spend outdoors: hanging out with friends, relax in the village, go to the park.there goes my week

Ann: do you like travelling? bill: yes, i like travelling very much. it is my hobby. i always take my camera with me and take pictures of everything that interest me: the ruins of ancient buildings, the sights of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and even animals and birds. ann: what countries you visited? bill: well, i was to italy, greece, russia and india. some day i will go to the united states. my cousin lives there. she invites me several times already. when i have enough money, i go to the states. ann: i never was to any of these countries. when you were in russia? bill: two years ago. ann: did you go there alone? bill: no, i went there with my father. we visited moscow and st. petersburg, the most beautiful cities of russia. ann: i always wanted to travel to other countries, but i haven't the opportunity. i went to germany in my childhood, but i haven't been anywhere since then.

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