Переведите на я провела свой каникулы хорошою.я была в чудесном лагере под названием арманю.там я нашла много друзей.мы весело провели время каждый день были новые соревнования.кстати, там я встретила своего бывшего учителя он там работал.наш отряд был самым лучшим и самым младшим мы всегда получали 1 место.вожатые нас любили каждый день что то новое.конечно за каникулы я была не только там,но для меня это были лучшие дни.люди ! 24

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Iwas in a wonderful camp called armanyu.tam i found a lot of friends we had fun every day was a new way of competition, there she met her former teacher, he worked there our unit was the best the youngest we have always received 1st place counselors we loved every day something new course for the holidays, i was not only there, but for me they were the best days of good people !

Ispent the vacation very much i get prettier. i was under the name armanyu.tam i found many friends in wonderful camp. we cheerfully carried outtimeevery day there were new competitions. by the way, there i met the former teacher  it worked there. our group was the best and the youngest  we always received 1 place. leaders very much loved us every day something new. of course for vacation i was not only there, but for me it were the best days. people .      

The time-proven system of baby and child care in russia is unique and doesn't desrve to be dismantled. federal health care providers are better off financially than local clinics. the advantage of general practitioners over the existing health care system in russia still remains debatable. generally, public health care in this country leaves much to be desired))

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