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Переведите этот текст на , но не через переводчик: моя мама оказывает огромное влияние на меня. она всегда мне и поддерживает меня. с ее я выбираю себе будущую профессию. я всегда советуюсь с мамой, потому что у нее большой жизненный опыт и она точно знает .как лучше мне поступить. она дает мне важные советы по поводу школы. раньше я не понимала всю важность того ,что она мне говорить, потому что считала будто сама лучше знаю. наверное, чем старше я становлюсь, тем ценнее для меня ее советы. я стараюсь подражать маме во многих вещах. она является для меня примером. мама умная,ответсвенная, всегда добивается своих целей. надеюсь в будущем я смогу стать похожей на нее.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My mom has a huge impact on me. she always told me i was. with the help and support her help i choose a profession i always future council with my mother, because she had a great experience and it definitely znaet.kak better for me to do. she gives me important tips about school. i used to not pony mala all the importance of what she says to me, because i thought if i know myself better than i guess the older i get the more valuable to me her advice. i try to imitate the mother of many things. she is an example for me. my mother was very clever responsibility, always achieves its goals. hopefully in the future i can be like her

My mom influences me a lot. she always helps and supports me. i am choosing my future profession with her help. i always ask for mom's advice because she has big life experience and knows for sure how i should act. she gives me important advice about school. i didn't realize before the importance of everything she told me because i considered that i knew better myself. her advice becomes more valuable for me as i probably get older. i try to take mom's example in many things. she is an example for  me. mom is very smart, responsible and always achieves the goals. i hope i can become a lot like her in future.

it was windy on monday.

it was cloudy on tuesday.

it was rainy on wednesday.

it was cold, but sunny on thursday.

it was warm on friday.

it was hot on saturday.

it was cold and rainy on sunday.

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