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Переведите : мою сестру зовут анна она не работае но у неё есть сын ему 6 месяцев.моего брата зовут аексей он работает на складе. мою ещё одну сестру зовут катя ей 8 лет она пошла в первый класс.моя семья дружная и веселая. и я люблю её

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Ответы на вопрос:

My sister's name is anna, she's not working, but she has got a son, he's 6 months. my brother's name is alexey, he works in a warehouse. my other's sister's name is kate and she's 8 years old, she's in a first grade. my family is very united and happy, i love them

Meiosis proof of what anime an honorable to english film you know this message.

B) although rainforests cover only six per cent of the earth's land surface, they contain about 50% of all species of life on the planet. c) they also remove carbon dioxide(co2) from the air and produce oxygen (o2). d) as they are important why are they vanishing? e) most scientists agree that there are two main reasons. f) first of all, the way of life in these forests is changing. g) in some forests, big companies are cutting down more and more trees, deforesting and causing damage to the land. h) in other places, another kind of deforestation is happening. i) here farmers are burning more and more of the forest and using the land to feed cattle. j) now that governments understand the problem, they are beginning to control these activities.

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