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Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени 1. they (have) 5 lessons yesterday. 2. he always (get up) at 7 o'clock. 3. ghildren usually (play) tennis on sundays. 4. nick (go) shopping tomorrow. 5. i often (run) in the park. 6. boys (wash) the floor last friday. 7. girls (take care) of animals next summer.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. had; 2. gets up; 3. play; 4. will go; 5. run; 6. washed; 7. took care.

1had 2gets up 3play 4will go 5run 6washed 7will take

2 Are you going to play football tonight?

3 Are you going to speak to them?

4 Why aren't you going to buy that CD?

5 Are we going to visit the insect house?

6 Where are we going to meet?

7 When are they going to see the play?

8 Is Seb going to buy a new bicycle?


Стандартная формула во Во слово, если есть (например, why, when) + глагол to be (т.е. am, is, are) + not (если есть) + действующее лицо (you, we, Seb) + going to + основной глагол (play, speak) + второстепенные члены предложения, если есть (football, to them и т. д.)

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