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Перевидите my country is the largest in the world.it lies in europe and asia.there are many long rivers in my country.one of them is the longest in europe.the world's largest lake is also in my country.the country is famous for its history,customs and traditions,modern cities and ancient towns.we are proud of our world-famous writes,artists, musicians and scientists

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Моя страна самая большая в мире. она находится между европой и азией. там много длинных рек в моей стране. одна из них в европе. мировое большое озеро еще в моей стране. страна известная своей , обычаями и традициями, современными и древними башнями. мы горды нашим мировыми-известными писателями, артистами, музыкантами и учеными. может будет ошибка, извини если что((

dear [имя адресата],thanks for your letter. i'm glad i finally got it, it was so lovely to hear from you.you asked me about holidays. well, i try to celebrate all the holidays with my family. we usually gather together to celebrate new year, christmas and on other special occasions. i love celebrating new year because everyone gets really excited about it and seems really happy to spend such an important day! the quality of present isn't about its price for me, so the best present i've ever received was given to me by my parents. they bought me a dog and it was a dream come true for me.


well, i have to go now to meet my friends! write back soon.


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